Online Conference – Initiated by FGI & IOS
The Concept Paper being presented herein will shed light on the slogan…
“Dream it, Believe it and Achieve it.”
The leaders of the community would be inspiring the Muslim Youth in realizing the said slogan.
Register For The Event
As the world is going through a lot of crisis, it will be an amazing opportunity where the community leaders come together and discuss on Opportunities and Possibilities for us as a community to learn and grow and assume the role of leadership in the respective fields.
Undoubtedly the Ummah is undergoing challenging times due to a number of issues, like backwardness in socioeconomic, educational and political representation, etc., have pushed the community in to a den of troubles, which require intensive rectifications in order to uplift it by all means. Under such critical circumstances, wherein a negative narrative is built around the community, undermining its contributions and aspirations of the young, there arises a need to ponder up on, negate the propaganda and strengthen the confidence in the community.
Issues Vs Solutions
There could be different ways of finding solutions to the problems that the community is presently facing, but believably the best possible initiation could be taken up and forward with dialogues and discussions by eminent leaders of the community who have had a great deal of experience. The Community Leaders who will address the Conference would be a celebration of excellence and umpteen contribution by the community in the nation building. Discussions about economic and socio-political issues faced by Muslim community as well as technological opportunities and challenges too would be held in the Conference.
Hence, looking at the prevailing elusive plight of the Muslim community, Falcon Group of Institutions (FGI) and Institute of Objective Studies (IOS) have chalked out a plan, wherein the eminent leaders of the community will discuss its prevailing condition, find and suggest the germane solutions to the ongoing crisis, inspire the youth, equip the young generation with dreams and assist them to be passionate in realizing their dreams.
The Conference’s Schedule
The event will be for 2 days (26th and 27th June 2021), where there will be multiple sessions with eminent personalities.
- Keynote Speeches
- Panel Discussions
Prominent Guests/Speakers
Prominent leaders of their respective fields like, Civil Servants, Doctors, Engineers, Politicians, Businessmen, Social Activists, Public Influences and a number of achievers from across the country would hold discussions on contemporary issues, share their ideas and guide, thereby inspiring the youth towards a vision which would set dreams in the minds of youngsters.
Over a thousand students and youth from the age group of 18-25 are expected to participate in the scheduled online conference.
Falcon Group of Institutions, a place for experiencing holistic education. The institution promotes student-friendly pedagogy to cultivate a habit of livelong learning among our students as the proverb asserts "Learn From Cradle to Grave" and keep one enriching and brightening himself to be a Light of Hope for the entire Mankind.
Falcon has been playing a pivotal role in exerting best efforts towards molding the students to be the Best Citizens for Society who'd serve for future.
Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), an NGO in Consultative Status (Roster) with ECOSOC of the United Nations, was established in 1986 to promote empirical and conceptual research. Research is carried out on ideologies and problems relevant to Indian polity, society, economy, religion and culture. Attention has been focused on the problems of Muslims and other minority groups. The studies include the problems of development processes, community relations, social tensions, women's status, etc. Within the said period, the Institute has established itself as a Centre of research and intellectual activities known for its objectivity in the academic world.
The IOS has completed more than 420 research projects and has come out with about 415 publications focusing on various aspects of socio-economic and educational problems of Muslims and society. The IOS has so far organized more than 1245 Conferences, Seminars, Symposia and Workshops etc., on the theme of social relevance in which people from different disciplines from India and across the globe have participated.

Themes of Sessions and Panel Discussions would be shared in a few days with updates.
Abdul Subhan, Managing Director, Falcon Group of Institutions | 8050889585
Dr. Manzoor Alam, Chairman, Institute of Objective Studies | 9810157494