NEET 2023 Exam Pattern

One of the prerequisites before appearing for the NEET exam is to be familiar with the NEET exam pattern 2023. NEET UG exam is conducted in offline mode which is pen and paper mode. The exam is divided into 3 sections – physics, chemistry, and biology. Check the table below to know details about the NEET exam pattern such as duration of the exam, nature of questions asked, number of questions asked from each section, weightage of marks from each section, and the marking scheme


Mode of examOffline
Duration of exam3.20 hours
Total number of questions180 questions
Total marks720 marks
Sections3 sections – Physics, Chemistry, Biology
Number of questions35 + 15 questions
Sectional marks180 marks
Number of questions35 + 15 questions
Sectional marks180 marks
Number of questions100 questions
Sectional marks360 marks
Marking scheme
  • +4 marks for a correct answer
  • -1 marks for an incorrect answer
  • 0 marks for an unattempted answer
NTA NEET 2023 Exam date1st Sunday of May 2023
Mode of NEET question paperPen and Paper-based.


NEET exam sections and total marks

SubjectsSectionsNo. of questionsSection-wise Marks
PhysicsSection A35140
Section B1540
ChemistrySection A35140
Section B1540
BotanySection A35140
Section B1540
ZoologySection A35140
Section B1540
Total Marks720


Marking scheme of NEET exam pattern 2023

Aspirants can go through the marking scheme of NEET 2023 and easily know how the marks will be allotted by the authorities after the conclusion of the exam.

  • For each correct answer in NEET, 4 marks will be awarded and one mark will be deducted for each wrong attempt.
  • If any candidate will leave the question unattempted, there is no negative marking for that as per the NEET exam pattern 2023.
  • Once aspirants mark their answers on the NEET 2023 OMR sheet, it is not possible to change it.
  • Candidates are advised not to attempt multiple answers during the NEET exam as it will cost a negative marking.

Regional Languages available for NEET 2023

MediumNEET 2023 Exam Centres
English and HindiAll exam cities and centres
English and UrduAll exam cities and centres
AssameseAvailable only in exam centres in Assam
BengaliAvailable only in exam centres in West Bengal
GujaratiAvailable only in exam centres in Gujarat, Daman, Dadra, and Nagar Haveli
MarathiAvailable only in exam centres in Maharashtra
TamilAvailable only in exam centres in TamilNadu
TeluguAvailable only in exam centres in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana
OriyaAvailable only in exam centres in Odisha
KannadaAvailable only in exam centres in Karnataka


Documents required to Apply Online for NEET 2023

Listed below are the documents one would require while submitting the NEET application form 2023. Take a look:

  • Most recent passport-size photograph
  • Most recent postcard size photograph
  • Signature of the candidate
  • Candidate’s thumb impression
  • Class 10 Marksheet
  • Valid ID proof


NEET Application Form 2023

NTA released the NEET form 2023 along with the information bulletin on its official website, The last date to fill the NEET application form 2023 was December 2022. The filling of the NEET application form 2023 was a 5-step process, which can be checked below. However, before filling the NEET 2023 application candidates were advised to check the list of documents and details to keep handy.


Steps to fill the NEET application form 2023

  • NEET 2023 registration
  • Filing of application form
  • Uploading of images
  • Payment of application fee
  • Print NEET application form


Mode of Payment:

Application fee payment can be done through the offline mode as given below:

  • Online method – Credit card/Debit card/Paytm/Net banking
  • Processing charges and GST as applicable, are chargeable (in addition to the examination fee) by the concerned Bank/Payment Gateway Integrator

The Medical Council of India (MCI) prescribes a syllabus for NEET. It covers topics from Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology from classes 11 and 12. Typically, the syllabus for NEET is published once a thorough review from inputs of different states on the syllabi is conducted. Syllabi are based on NCERT, CBSE and COBSEW. Check this space for the latest on the syllabus.

Provided below is the subject-wise syllabus for NEET 2023 from classes 11 and 12.


NEET 2023 Physics Syllabus


Some basic topics will be Human Physiology, Reproduction, Plant Physiology, Cell Structure and Function, Ecology & Environment, Diversity in Living World, Biology and Human Welfare


Some topics will be some basic concepts of chemistry, Hydrogen, Equilibrium, Alcohol, Electro Chemistry, P-Block Elements, Surface Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Phenols and Ethers, etc.


It will contain Laws of Motion, Electromagnetic Waves, Electrostatic, Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory, Electronic Devices, Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation, Properties of Bulk Matter, etc.


NEET 2023 preparation tips

  • Begin with Biology and one other subject simultaneously. Start studying the strongest topics with the most weightage. This way you will cover more topics in less time.
  • Read NCERT line by line. Mark important facts with a highlighter and make notes simultaneously. After completing NCERT, start reading extra study material available in the form of books, and preparation websites. Also, make notes from these references.
  • For Biology, learn diagrams by heart to understand a topic. Pictures help you retain the information more effectively. Diagrams are an important factor for NEET 2023 preparation.
  • For physics, solve as many questions as you can. Additionally, create a chapter-wise formula sheet that comprises all formulas and laws discussed in the chapter.
  • For chemistry, learn diagrams and chemical equations by heart. After completing every chapter, create a sheet for chemical equations and formulas to be used in solving the questions.


Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Will NEET 2023 be conducted twice?

Ans: No, NTA has yet not confirmed anything on how much time NEET 2023 will be conducted

2. Why is knowing the NEET exam pattern 2023 important?

Ans: Knowing the NEET 2023 exam pattern in the early preparation stages will surely boost the level of preparation for the entrance test.

3.  Will NEET 2023  be conducted in online mode?

Ans: Expectations for this are quite high. NTA might release a statement supporting the same. No confirmation is there as of now.
