JEE Advanced 2023 Application

The JEE Advanced 2023 registration dates are not available on the official website. The JEE Advanced 2023 application form will be available on its official website from 3rd week of June  2023.  Candidates will have to submit the application form of JEE advanced 2023 before the last date. Candidates have to register and fill the application form which includes details about personal, academic, parents, and communication information. Students have to pay the application fee towards the form. The steps to fill the JEE Advanced 2023 application form are as below.

JEE Advanced 2023 Highlights

Full Exam NameJoint Entrance Exam Advanced
Short Exam NameJEE Advanced
Conducting BodyIndian Institute of Technology Bombay
Frequency of ConductOnce a year
Exam LevelNational Level Exam
LanguagesEnglish, Hindi
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Application Fee (General)2800 Rs [Offline]
Mode of ExamOnline
Mode of CounsellingJEE Advanced Paper 1 & 2 online
Participating Colleges27
JEE Advanced Paper 1 & 2 – Duration3 Hours 
Number of Seats11279 Seats

JEE Advanced Application Form 2023 Date

JEE Advanced registration 2023 start dateLast week of May 2023 
JEE Advanced 2023 application last date1st week of June 2023
JEE Advanced application form 2023 last date for fee paymentsecond week of June 2023
JEE Advanced exam date 20233rd week of June 2023 

JEE Advanced 2023 Application Process

The JEE Advanced 2023 registration dates are not available on the official website. The JEE Advanced 2023 application form will be available on its official website from 3rd week of June  2023.  Candidates will have to submit the application form of JEE advanced 2023 before the last date. Candidates have to register and fill the application form which includes details about personal, academic, parents, and communication information. Students have to pay the application fee towards the form. The steps to fill the JEE Advanced 2023 application form are as below.

How to fill JEE Advanced Application Form 2023?

Registration – the candidates will have to use their JEE Main 2023 roll number and password to log in. Any additional information which has to be provided had to be entered by the candidates.

Uploading of Documents –  the candidates have to scan the required documents and upload it as per the specifications mentioned by the authorities. The documents to be uploaded are – 10th standard certificate/birth certificate, 12th standard examination mark sheet, and category certificate (if applicable). 

Payment Process – Registration fee has to be paid by the candidates online (net banking/credit card/debit card) or offline mode (cash using SBI option). The fee is different as per the category that the candidate belongs to.

Submission and Print Out of Confirmation Page – Finally, the candidates have to submit the application form and print out the confirmation page for further reference.

JEE Advanced AAT Application Form 2023 

Students who qualify for JEE Advanced and seek admission in architecture courses in IITs have to appear for Architecture Aptitude Test. The application form of JEE Advanced AAT will be released in online mode on September 11 by the admission authorities. It is to be noted that only those candidates who qualify in the JEE Advanced 2023 will be able to fill the application form. 

Registration Steps for JEE Advanced AAT 2023

  • Using JEE Advanced 2023 registration number, date of birth, mobile number and email address, the candidates would have to log in to register for the examination. 
  • For the question “Are you Interested in AAT 2023?”, the candidates would have to select their option of “Yes” or “No”. 
  • Exam centres have to be selected according to the candidate’s choice (International centres will not be applicable this time)
  • Other details as required have to be submitted.
  • After checking all of the details, the candidates have to submit the application form.
Indian National candidateFee
Female candidate (all category)Rs. 1300/-
SC, ST, PwD candidateRs. 1300/-
All other candidateRs. 2600/-

Documents required for applying jee advance

  • Certificates of Class X as proof of birth or Birth Certificate.
  • Class XII (or equivalent) examination.
  • Category.
  • PwD.
  • Scribe Request Letter.
  • PIO Card / OCI Certificate.
  • DS certificate.

JEE Advanced Eligibility Criteria 2023

All candidates must fulfil the JEE Advanced eligibility criteria before filling the application form. Candidates not meeting any of the eligibility conditions will be disqualified and not allowed to participate in the admission process. JEE Advanced 2023 eligibility criteria have been listed out below:

Age Limit: General category candidates should have been born on or after October 1, 1997. Reserved category candidates (SC/ST/PwD) will have a relaxation of 5 years i.e. they should be born on or after October 1, 1992.

Qualifying Examination: Aspirants must have passed the Class 12 exam in 2023 or those who are appearing for the exam in 2023 will also be eligible for JEE Advanced.

JEE Main Rank: To appear for JEE advanced, students must be among the top 2.5 lakh qualified candidates of JEE Main and must be in the top 2.5 lakh candidates in order of merit. For admission to IITs, aspirants should also meet the cutoff as decided by the institutes.

Number of Attempts: Candidates are allowed to attempt the JEE Advanced exam two times in two consecutive years.

Prior IIT Admissions: The candidates should have never taken admission in any IIT irrespective of whether they continued the programme or not or just accepted the seat by reporting at the centre. Any of such students will not be allowed to participate in the admission process.

Subjects – JEE Advanced aspirants must have taken Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics as their major subjects in 12th standard or equivalent.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What is the eligibility for JEE Advanced 2023?

JEE Advanced 2023 Eligibility Criteria – Aggregate Marks of 75% (65% for SC/ST/PwD) 12th standard (or equivalent) Board examination aggregate marks secured in 2023 will be considered for those candidates who pass the 12th standard in 2023

2.  Can we pay the JEE Advanced fees via offline mode?

Yes, the engineering aspirants can pay their fees offline by downloading the payment challan, visiting the nearest bank branch and paying the challan.

3.  What are the login credentials to be used to fill JEE Advanced application form 2023?

Candidates will have to use their JEE Main 2023 roll number and password to login into the JEE Advanced registration portal. 

4.  Are there any changes in the syllabus of JEE Advanced 2023?

 No. There are no changes in the syllabus of JEE Advanced 2023. However, it has been notified that the JEE Advanced syllabus will be altered from next year.

5.  Is a candidate allowed to appear for Architecture Aptitude Test (AAT) without writing JEE Advanced 2023?

 No, candidates who qualify for JEE Advanced 2023 will only be eligible to appear for AAT 2023.